import; import; import; import; /** A class to read strings and numbers from an input stream. This class is suitable for beginning Java programmers. It constructs the necessary buffered reader, handles I/O exceptions, and converts strings to numbers. */ public class ConsoleReader { /** Constructs a console reader from an input stream such as @param inStream an input stream */ public ConsoleReader(InputStream inStream) { reader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(inStream)); } /** Reads a line of input and converts it into an integer. The input line must contain nothing but an integer. Not even added white space is allowed. @return the integer that the user typed */ public int readInt() { String inputString = readLine(); int n = Integer.parseInt(inputString); return n; } /** Reads a line of input and converts it into a floating- point number. The input line must contain nothing but a nunber. Not even added white space is allowed. @return the number that the user typed */ public double readDouble() { String inputString = readLine(); double x = Double.parseDouble(inputString); return x; } /** Reads a line of input. In the (unlikely) event of an IOException, the program terminates. @return the line of input that the user typed, null at the end of input */ public String readLine() { String inputLine = ""; try { inputLine = reader.readLine(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } return inputLine; } private BufferedReader reader; }